About the Takitumu Conservation Area
The Takitumu Conservation Area (TCA) is a 155-ha area of forested lowland hills of southern Rarotonga, Cook Islands. It was informally protected by three landowning families in 1996, primarily to protect the small endemic forest bird, the kākerōri/ Rarotonga flycatcher (Pomarea dimidiata), that was once confined to this site.
In 1989, there were just 29 of the critically endangered kākerōri left in the world, and they were rapidly heading towards extinction unless predation by the introduced ship rat (Rattus rattus) could be reduced. An annual programme of rat control, using poison in bait stations, has run for 31 years, and this has led to the kākerōri population in and around the TCA increasing to at least 471 birds in 2017.
Translocations of a total of 40 young kākerōri to form an ‘insurance’ population on ship ratfree Ātiu has been successful, with a minimum population of 150 birds recorded in 2017, bringing the global total to well over 600 birds, or over 20 times the number of kākerōri alive in 1989.
In 1989, there were just 29 of the critically endangered kākerōri left in the world, and they were rapidly heading towards extinction unless predation by the introduced ship rat (Rattus rattus) could be reduced. An annual programme of rat control, using poison in bait stations, has run for 31 years, and this has led to the kākerōri population in and around the TCA increasing to at least 471 birds in 2017.
Translocations of a total of 40 young kākerōri to form an ‘insurance’ population on ship ratfree Ātiu has been successful, with a minimum population of 150 birds recorded in 2017, bringing the global total to well over 600 birds, or over 20 times the number of kākerōri alive in 1989.
Mangement of TCA
This management plan for the Takitumu Conservation Area (TCA) was commissioned by the Cook
Island National Environment Service as part of its contribution to the Cook Islands Ridge to Reef
project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
The TCA is a 155-ha area of forest in southern Rarotonga (Figure 1) that was informally protected by three landowning families in 1996, primarily to protect the endemic kākerōri/ Rarotonga flycatcher (Pomarea dimidiata), one of the most threatened birds in the world.
The TCA is a 155-ha area of forest in southern Rarotonga (Figure 1) that was informally protected by three landowning families in 1996, primarily to protect the endemic kākerōri/ Rarotonga flycatcher (Pomarea dimidiata), one of the most threatened birds in the world.

Rat Traps Active
Rats Killed in Takitumu Reserve Over 30 Years
Kakerori Alive in the Cook Islands
Wildlife Attractions
There are much wildlife that you can see whilst going up to the Takitumu Conservation Area.

Mature Kakerori +4 Years

Yearling Kakerori 0-3 years

Rupe (Pacific Pidgeon)

Moā Kirikiri (MG) Pacific Fruit-Bat

Kūkupa (Cook Islands Fruit-Dove)